Category: News

New Website

New Website A view of the website as of 16-07-2019

As you may have noticed; the main page and the pages for Explain-IT, Build-IT and Improve-IT have been updated significantly. Other pages will follow over the course of the next month. If you haven’t noticed, take a look and watch video testimonials from some of our customers.

Looking at my Business Model again – Part 1: Customer Segments

Looking at my Business Model again – Part 1: Customer Segments

When did you last review your Business model? Is it still the same as when you started? I first came across the Business Model canvas at the weekend new startup event I went to 2 years ago when I was considering becoming self-employed. My first pitch and business model didn’t work out, but I didn’t […]

GDPR Basics

GDPR Basics

Anyone who has subscribed to an online newsletter or used any online service will have heard about new privacy policies, and the new legislation in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. A very large number of companies, including Solidarity IT, sent out emails asking people to re-subscribe to their newsletters.   […]

Power Supply

Power Supply

One of the most overlooked components during a PC upgrade is the power supply. It’s not something that’s obvious like replacing the CPU or RAM to improve performance, or improving a graphics card for better gaming. Hard drives can be added or replaced with bigger ones, or replaced with solid state drives for quicker reading […]