A summary sheet covering the issues surrounding the Windows 7 End of Life on January 14th 2020
Category: News
New Website
As you may have noticed; the main page and the pages for Explain-IT, Build-IT and Improve-IT have been updated significantly. Other pages will follow over the course of the next month. If you haven’t noticed, take a look and watch video testimonials from some of our customers.
Ask Valerie – Windows 7 End of Life
In summary: Can I still use Windows 7 afterwards?Yes, but you ideally shouldn’t. End of Life means there will be no ongoing support. A lack of security updates will leave a Windows 7 PC increasingly vulnerable to new malware. What if I prefer Windows 7?Windows 10 is highly configurable, and can be made to look […]
Augmented Reality Games
A talk on the subject of Augmented Reality, and the safety concerns that some people have had regarding them.
Anti-virus Discussion
A discussion on the subject of Anti-virus software, and which ones are recommended, and general related tips for safeguarding your computer and your data.
Looking at my Business Model again – Part 1: Customer Segments
When did you last review your Business model? Is it still the same as when you started? I first came across the Business Model canvas at the weekend new startup event I went to 2 years ago when I was considering becoming self-employed. My first pitch and business model didn’t work out, but I didn’t […]
What motivates me?
Published on November 16, 2018 via LinkedIn Andy Cooper Technical Director, Solidarity IT Ltd. I’m a geek. I have my specific hobbies that are part of geek culture. I’ve always been the weird one. I’ve always loved working with and doing things on computers. That’s what drives me, what makes me happy. My other drive […]
GDPR Basics
Anyone who has subscribed to an online newsletter or used any online service will have heard about new privacy policies, and the new legislation in the form of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. A very large number of companies, including Solidarity IT, sent out emails asking people to re-subscribe to their newsletters. […]
Power Supply
One of the most overlooked components during a PC upgrade is the power supply. It’s not something that’s obvious like replacing the CPU or RAM to improve performance, or improving a graphics card for better gaming. Hard drives can be added or replaced with bigger ones, or replaced with solid state drives for quicker reading […]
Now the roof can be fixed!
It was my great pleasure to support Daniel of Vision ICT’s Charity Auction to fix a leaky school roof in Mumbai, India. “It was very humbling to see the wonderful work taking place in Mumbai thanks to organisations like SlumAid and I was glad to be a part of it. Having come home and […]